In this blog, we will highlight our natural, drug free approach to post-concussion syndrome. Learn the basics about concussion injury, what your healing options are, and how neuroplasticity might be the answer to a full recovery.

A concussion is a type of brain injury that affects normal brain function. This injury happens when a blow, bump, or hit to the head occurs. These are most prevalent from sports injuries, falls, and vehicle accidents. Concussions can also occur from indirect trauma to the head, including whip-lash type injuries. Because symptoms and presentation may vary widely from person to person in concussion injuries, it can make it difficult to diagnose and treat promptly. Some of the most common symptoms include headache, light sensitivity, dizziness, vision impairment, and brain fog.
The traditional medical approach includes physical and mental rest, medication, and gradual return to activity. Vision, cognitive, and physical therapy may be recommended as well.
While the above treatment approach can aid in minimizing symptoms, many times they do not fully heal the concussion injury and symptoms can persist. Our approach is to get to the root cause of the concussion injury and non-invasively heal the brain from within. Through breakthroughs in research of neuroplasticity, we implement a natural, drug-free approach to healing these conditions. For more on neuroplasticity, check out our previous blogs. Our concussion treatment program revolves around two paradigms: #1 utilizing technology to pinpoint areas of the brain and nervous system dysfunction to understand exactly where the injury is and #2 creating a personalized treatment plan to stimulate and heal those areas through neuroplasticity. Additionally, we look at other lifestyle factors including sleep, diet, and stress that may help in the healing process.
Our mission at Great Lakes Functional Neurology is to help you understand your injury and get you back to normal, healthy living. We strive to equip you with the tools needed for your full brain recovery. If you would like to know more, or you know someone currently struggling with post concussion syndrome, we would be happy to discuss this topic in more detail with you. You can reach out to us at and schedule a complimentary phone consult with one of our doctors.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The content above is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. Great Lakes Functional Neurology does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. We recommend readers that are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications consult their physicians before starting any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.